A Winter Storm is on the Way and VGS is Reminding Customers of Important Safety Tips

A major winter storm is forecasted to impact Vermont over Presidents’ Day weekend. VGS (Vermont Gas) emphasizes safety with these reminders: Report gas leaks: Natural gas and propane smell like rotten eggs. If you suspect a leak, leave the area, call 911, and contact your fuel supplier. Keep gas meters clear: Use a broom to remove snow from meters and vents. Ensure snow plow operators know the meter locations. Clear exterior vents: Blocked vents can cause equipment shutdowns or exhaust fumes to enter the home. Test smoke alarms: Ensure alarms are on every level, inside and outside sleeping areas, and interconnected if possible. Test carbon monoxide alarms: CO is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Test and replace detectors as recommended. Never use a gas stove for heating or a generator indoors. If CO poisoning is suspected, call 911, seek fresh air, and stay outside.
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