Our Commercial Energy Services team can help analyze your business’s operations and energy usage to identify opportunities to reduce your energy costs for space heating, hot water systems, process equipment, and building envelope. In addition, VGS provides rebates for installing energy-efficient equipment.


Hot Water


Commercial Equipment Rebates
With the rising prices of efficient equipment, we’ve increased our rebate levels for the upcoming year. Please note these rebate amounts are guaranteed for equipment installed by 12/31/2025 and subject to change in 2026.
Commercial Equipment that may qualify for an incentive and may not be listed on the rebate form.
Please call (802) 951-0321 or email Efficiency@vermontgas.com for more information.
Eligible Equipment | Required Efficiency 1 | Rebate 2,3 |
Boiler (500-800 MBH) | 94%+ TE | $5000 |
Boiler (300-499 MBH) | 94%+ TE | $2500 |
Boiler (<300 MBH) | 90 – 94% AFUE 95%+ AFUE | $1000 $1200 |
Furnace | 95 – 96% AFUE 97%+ AFUE | $500 $800 |
Unit Heater | 90%+ TE | $1500 |
Infrared Heater | Low-intensity tube heater | $1000 |
Water Heater – tanked (75-199 MBH) (200-300 MBH) | 0.90+ UEF 94%+ TE | $600 $800 |
Tankless Water Heater (<199 MBH) | 0.90 – 0.94 UEF 0.95+ UEF | $600 $1000 |
Demand Controlled Ventilation | Carbon dioxide sensor control | $250 |
Smart Thermostat | ENERGY STAR | FREE! |
2 Note that multiple boiler/furnace systems and non-conventional designs will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
3 Rebate amounts and eligibility criteria are valid for equipment installed on or before December 31, 2025. Rebate amounts are subject to change after this installation deadline.