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Water Heating

Rating (UEF)
Monthly Lease
Installed Sale Price
(Does not include
VGS Rebate applied to priceEst. Annual
Energy Costs***
Chimney Vent40 Gallon0.62$32$2,330$0$195
Chimney Vent50 Gallon0.62$33$2,420$0$195
Direct Vent40 Gallon0.60$45$3,550$0$202
Direct Vent50 Gallon0.59$46$3,640$0$205
Power Vent40 Gallon0.70$43*$3,290*$150$186
Power Vent50 Gallon0.70$44*$3,400*$150$186
Electric Heat-Pump50 Gallon3.46$48*
$35** (BED only)
$2,980** (BED only)
Electric Heat Pump65 Gallon3.48$51*
$39** (BED only)
$3,310** (BED only)
Indirect Water Heater30 GallonIf Heated by a 90% AFUE Boiler$43 $3,370$0
Indirect Water Heater45 GallonIf Heated by a 90% AFUE Boiler$45 $3,540$0
Indirect Water Heater60 GallonIf Heated by a 90% AFUE Boiler$52 $4,220$0
Sale and lease prices do not include additional items that may be required to bring your home up to code.
* Price includes utility rebate. Lease price varies depending on available electric utility rebates.
** Price includes utility rebates available exclusively to BED customers. Lease price varies depending on available electric utility rebates.

*** Estimated annual electric utility costs based on heating water for a typical family. Family size, gallons-per-day, temperature rise, and energy factor values are all adjustable. Actual performance may vary.


Rating (AFUE)
Monthly Lease
Mail in Rebate AvailableSale Price
(Does not include
Conversion BurnerN/AN/A$41$0$3,000
Rinnai EX11Heats 200-300
square feet
81% AFUEN/A$100$1,800*
Rinnai EX17Heats 400-500
square feet
81% AFUEN/A $100$2,100*
Rinnai EX22Heats 500-600
square feet
81% AFUE N/A $100$2,300*
Rinnai EX38Heats 1200
square feet
80% AFUE N/A $100$2,700*
Centrally Ducted Heat Pump3 TonN/A$133**
Centrally Ducted Heat Pump5 TonN/A$152**
Mini-Split Heat PumpsN/AN/AContact UsN/AContact Us
* Direct swap-out only. New installations will incur additional costs. VGS Rebates not included in price.
** Price includes utility rebate. Lease price varies depending on available electric utility rebates.
*** Price includes utility rebates available exclusively to BED customers. Lease price varies depending on available electric utility rebates.